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The Luckiest Motorcycle Rider in Texas, Camaro Runs T-Bones Car, Rider Hangs on to Underside

If you ask any motorcycle rider about their fears when riding, I think the odds are that they would tell you that they aren’t necessarily afraid of riding the bike itself but, in the back of their minds, they probably have a little bit of a fear of what other people on the roadways might do. After all, when you’re exposing yourself like that to the elements, you never know when a teenager who wants to text more than they want to keep their eyes on the road is going to end up plowing straight into whoever is in their path. It’s really a pretty big risk but I think that, on the other hand, many riders will tell you that it’s completely worth the feeling that they get on two wheels.

In this situation, we catch up with a helmet camera that captures the moment that a rider does end up getting involved in such a situation, not to say that the driver at fault here was distracted but no matter what it was that led up to this scenario, the way that it unfolds is probably a best case for the motorcycle rider involved here. Nobody wants to get tangled up in an accident but the way that this one found to unfold ended up being pretty much the best series of events imaginable.

It’s pretty crazy to watch as a Chevrolet Camaro ends up running a red light and T-boning another motorist before creating a multiple car pileup and taking down the motorcycle rider. However, it appears as if he’s able to land on the underside of a car that had rolled over and hang on as he gently falls to the ground. Now, this one probably did provide its fair share of bumps and bruises but otherwise, it could’ve been much worse for motorcycle rider. He could have been in a situation where he didn’t have another car to shield him from the vehicle that could’ve ended his life.

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