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Blown Corvette On Nitromethane!

Beyond all the arguments and back and forth with what you might expect from certain vehicles or communities, sometimes, it’s nice to stop and smell the roses, really taking the time to appreciate what’s in front of you as it brings together a lot of elements that we all know and love about the performance community and ties them up in one package that’s just a lot of fun to watch. In this case, it just so happens to be a nitromethane burning Chevrolet Corvette door slammer as piloted by Randy Merrick that really takes the liberty of screaming its way straight into your heart.

As you know, if you’ve been around the performance community, cars that are strapped up with a blower tend to be the loudest of the group. To say that this thing screams would be an absolute understatement and the guys at Urban Hillbilly Action Videos take the liberty of bringing us to the scene of the action to watch as it rips down the track, really making its presence felt as you can practically feel this thing vibrating your skin through the screen as you watch the car make its way to north of 200 mph in such a short period of time that it might just blow your mind.

Being able to rocket to those kinds of speeds in under four seconds really has to be something that is tough to adjust to, as a driver, as it probably pushes your skin back on your face and provides an adrenaline rush to the max. This wild ride is certainly a machine that could bring some of the fun of drag racing to your front doorstep, if you care to soak it all in. After seeing exactly what the car has to offer down video below, be sure to tell us what you think about this machine and how much it makes you want to go racing!