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Free range parenting still exists, kid tries to jump way too many trash cans on his bike

When we were younger, things tended to be simpler. We would ride our bikes around the neighborhood and the only thing to worry about was getting home by the time that the street lights came on.

These days, it would seem like kids have become more entrenched in electronics and the ways of old of riding around on a bicycle have slowed down tremendously if not almost ceased altogether.

However, in this video, we discover that such free range parenting techniques might still exist and kids are still out there trying this stupid things that we also liked to try as kids without letting our parents in on our adventures.

In this one, we check out a scenario as this youngster on a bike attempts to jump over way too many trash cans for his own good and lives to tell about it, thankfully.

Check out the video below that shows the stunt gone wrong and tell us what your favorite childhood memory like this is. Personally, I have to have about a million of them!