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Setting The Bead with Fire – Ultimate Fail With a Cracked Rim!

Setting a tire bead using an explosive chemical and fire is dangerous to both yourself and your equipment, but heck, we’ve seen it on the internet so let’s try it out anyway.

Ok, we probably shouldn’t need to tell you that we’re completely joking, but we’ll go ahead and get that out of the way to prevent further damage.

In this one, we check out yet another video of someone who thinks that it would be a good idea to set their tire on a rim using fire except this video has a twist.

Instead of just the normal catastrophic explosion that comes with this sort of video, the owner manages to go as far as breaking the rim entirely!

Check out the video below that does a good job of capturing this epic fail on camera. We’re going to wager that next time, this guy is just going to spend the few extra bucks to get the job done correctly!