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Tire Roasting Lamborghini Nearly Takes Out The Camera Man

As someone who has spent a lot of time on racing surfaces across the country, I can really attest to the fact that being a camera man is a lot more dangerous of a job than most people would think about. Sure, the incidents might be isolated but, when there are so many moving parts in motion at the same time, if one thing going wrong, a camera man can definitely be in harm’s way. This is exactly why you need to be on your toes at all times when you’re around that many moving parts at once.

Now, the further you get into detail about it, there is really a fine line between being aware and wanting to get that shot. Sure, you can be as aware as humanly possible but sometimes, it might just seem like it’s worth it to take that little bit of extra risk so that you can get the best shot possible, getting your camera all up in the action while cars do some pretty amazing things. This time, that seems to be exactly the case as this camera operator gets up close and personal with a Lamborghini from Daily Driven Dxotics doing a couple of donuts, when all of a sudden, he figures out that he might be a little bit too close to the action!

Thankfully, the camera guy behind Zwing Films has some pretty quick feet and is able to scurry out of the way before he becomes a roadkill under the wheels of the Lamborghini but this one is definitely close enough to make you sweat! After watching a clip like this, you might just find yourself with a new appreciation for some of the videos that you see when the camera guy really gets his nose into the action to let the viewers see the optimal angle of what’s going on.