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When the Snow Comes So Do The Bad Drivers! Crash Compilation!

If you aren’t in an area that experiences harsh winter conditions as pictured in this video, you might not be aware just how dumb people can really be behind the wheel. We get that there are a lot of folks out there, regardless of weather, who just can’t seem to grasp the concept of good driving but icy conditions really bring it out of them.

You would think that such conditions would cause drivers to operate with a sense of carefulness and caution. Common sense would dictate, after all, that slippery conditions require more stopping time and drivers who dare to take on the conditions should act accordingly.

However, as we all know, that generally isn’t the case and we see the result of such careless drivers in snowy conditions right here in this video and the byproduct of mixing up these the factors is definitely not something that we would classify as pretty.

If you dare to see how badly people tend to drive when the snow starts to fall, you can see a compilation of some of the worst down in the video below. Sometimes, accidents happen but we think that a lot of these could have been easily avoided with a little bit of foresight.