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1/8th Mile in 4.89 Seconds in an all Electric Car? This Thing is Fast!

Electric cars have come a long way, both in the production sector and in the performance world. There have been huge advancements in technology that allow these cars to have longer run times and quicker acceleration, both areas that limited forays into electric cars for manufacturers in the past.

While Tesla leads the way on the production side of things, there are small teams around he world taking on the performance side of electric car advancement, and one of them just laid down a new 1/8th mile record, this run coming at Malmo Raceway in Sweden. The car, a lightweight tube chassis Third Gen Corvette, blasts almost silently to a 4.89 second elapsed time at 233 km/H, or 144 MPH.

For the record to stand as an official record, it has to be backed up to within 1% of the record pass, meaning the team needed to make a second pass with 0.048 seconds either side of the 4.89 seconds. They tow the car back to the starting line in the dusty haze of sunset and send it hurtling down the 1/8th mile again this time lighting up the boards with a 4.90 elapsed time, will within the 1% required to back up the record and make this officially the quickest electric door slammer on the planet.

While there is still a long way to go before these cars are competing with Pro Mods and Top Fuel, to see an electric car in the 4.80’s in the eighth is very impressive indeed. While Tesla and their awesome team will continue to make advancements in the on-road market, teams like this group of Swedes will be making thing happen on the performance front. We have to wonder just what it will take to get an electric car into the 4.50’s and beyond? What an exciting time to be alive in the automotive world!