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Start Em Young – 11-Year-Old Kid Driving a Stick Shift Ferrari

When you were 11-years-old, do you remember what the extent of your driving experiences were? I think that, for most of us, we would’ve been lucky to be sitting on mom or dad’s lap and pretending like we were driving their family hauler while they  managed the controls. Some of us might have even been lucky enough to get behind the wheel of a go-kart.

This time, we get a little peek inside of the life of an 11-year-old who seems to have had just a little bit more driving experience than the kid sitting at the next desk over in class. Heck, this youngster has officially driven a car that’s cooler than most people get to drive their entire lives.

In this clip, we’re able to witness a sight that’s really fun to see. It all started when one brave grandfather tossed the keys to his Ferrari 360 Spider to his grandson and let him have a little test drive in a parking lot while he stood by and filmed the action.

Now, the kid didn’t necessarily get into the throttle very much but, this grandfather still managed to show a lot of trust by letting his young grandson pull that seat all the way up to the wheel and pilot the expensive exotic car all by himself. If this was your Ferrari would you let your 11-year-old grandson go for a spin in the parking lot with it?