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TT Stick Shift 67 Camaro is a Jaw Dropping LSx Powerhouse

As fans of racing, one of our favorite themes is that of the stick shift scene lighting it up once again. It seems like, in recent years, the joy of rolling through some gears has really picked back up again. Sure, automatics are proven to be faster over and over again. However, watching man and machine come together like this is truly something special. There’s another added layer of driver ability when a stick shift is thrown into the mix. This means that there’s one more aspect that could go wrong. Drivers really need to be on their game to make it all pan out just right.

This time, we check out an awesome stick shift combination that was slaying the strip at Holley’s LS fest West. While there is plenty of insane stick shift builds out there, we have to admit that it isn’t too common that we see a classic car like this banging home the gears with such impressive elapsed times. With a 6.0L LSX under the hood and a pair of turbos, the 1967 Chevrolet Camaro is able to do some crazy wheeling out there on the track. In fact, the car is able to come in with low 9-second time in the quarter-mile. I don’t care who you are, that’s moving!

By following along with the BigKleib34 video below, we check out this insane classic. The car really puts its money where its mouth is. With the help of a T56 Magnum, the machine is truly on a mission. The owner tells us that he hopes to be able to squeeze an 8-second pass out of the car.

With a ride like this, those drivers who think they have it made with an automatic might be in for quite the surprise. Be careful out there. You never know when you’re going to get your butt kicked by an old school stick shift machine.