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Massive Docking Fail! Wife Docking The Boat…

Just like anything else, boating is something where practice makes perfect. It can also be a hobby that requires a lot of patience. However, for those who haven’t done their research or have an idea of what they’re doing, the practice can get really expensive. Normally, when out on the water, things get just a touch easier. However, where new boaters tend to struggle is with getting going or coming back. Being able to maneuver a boat into a slip or on a trailer can be rather complicated. For those who haven’t really done it that much, the pressure is on. Sometimes, not only is the area tight but there are people watching.

Just when we thought that it probably couldn’t get any worse with these boating videos, in comes another clip that really takes the cake. From the viewpoint of someone who’s been around boats his whole life, I would venture to say that the folks pictured here are quite new to the hobby. That’s okay because we all have to learn somewhere. However, the learning curve for these individuals really took a steep slope. In the clip that we see here, it looks like the boater in question is coming back in from a day on the water. However, things definitely didn’t go smoothly.

Straight from the get-go, with a direct approach to the dock, we had a feeling things weren’t going to go well. While pulling in straight definitely wasn’t helping this guy’s case, maybe he had a plan for action that works best for him. After all, we all have our own way of doing things. From there, things would only continue to get worse.

As a woman would approach the boat to help dock it, the whole situation would slide sideways. It’s at this point that the boat ends up throttling down and launching its way up onto the dock. This is when the woman attempting to help ended up going swimming. Shortly after, the boat slides off the dock into the water as well.

Before we know it, the boat is riding up on another dock and that’s where the video cuts off. We have no word as to what happened after the fact. What we do know, is that these folks ended up going home with quite a valuable learning experience in their back pockets.

Wife docking the boat…

Posted by Basscasters on Sunday, October 28, 2018